Reviews and Ratings for solicitor Elissa Thursfield, Llandudno

Monday, 2 February 2015

Employers and Army Reservists

Volunteer reservists are a crucial part of the Armed Forces, they offer benefits to employers with transferable skills, training and high levels of motivation. Employers can be nervous employing volunteers and reservists, how will it affect my business? Will they be absent for months on end? Is it going to cost me anything?

The MoD chooses individual Standard Volunteer Reservists for duty using an intelligent selection process, which allows the reservist to be selected according to their skills and specialism. It also allows a unit to take account of a Reservist’s personal and employment circumstances.

SaBRE, Supporting Britain’s Reservists and Employers, is sponsored by the MoD to support employers on issue surrounding the employment of Reservists.
Reservists receive military training, which is worth roughly £8,327 per year. The training takes places through the year and at an annual camp, it can either be exercise or classroom based.  The skills covered include teamwork, self confidence, decision making, leadership and presentation skills as well as project management. Reservists typically become more computer literate and adapt to challenges and changes well.
If you recruit and employee who is a Reservist, or one of your employees becomes one, the MoD will write to notify you.  The MoD will aim to give you at least 28 days prior to mobilization. There is a right to appeal against mobilization if it will harm your business.  You can get financial assistance with certain costs for finding a replacement and there are exceptions for salary payments, benefits and annual leave during Reservist commitments.
A Reservist is entitled to return from mobilization in their original role, or a suitable alternative with the same T&Cs.  You cannot dismiss a Reservist on the grounds of their Reserve Service duties. Reservists are committed to training throughout the year, with a main camp of 2 weeks, several weekends and evenings during the week.
So what benefits will you experience from having a Reservist on your staff, or other volunteers for that matter? Employees who are volunteers tend to be motivated, confident and willing to work hard. They will achieve not only life skills but transferrable skills that can be valuable in the workplace. Volunteers meet new people regularly and are often required to speak about what they do giving them a valuable boost in confidence for public speaking events.
Employing not only Army Reservists but also RNLI volunteers, retained fire fighters and other volunteers can provide a depth of variety to your workforce, and valuable PR. Supporting lifesaving causes through your staff can connect you with your local community and the business world at large.
Got any questions about employing volunteers? Call our employment team:
Elissa Thursfield 01745 343500


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